Train To Pakistan

Train To Pakistan
Train to Pakistan written by Khushwant sing. In this novel there are incident of 1947 when Pakistan and Indias partition was talking place. There were many people migrating from India to Pakistan and Pakistan to India. There was communal riots. People were killed, raped and children were separated from their parents. This story is of village mano mijra. In this village there was equal hindu and muslim.There is jaggu who is muslim and he falls in love with muslim girl. One day he got arrested because police think he had killed moneylender. Train of full dead hindu from Pakistan comes. Than people were forced those who are muslim has to go to Pakistan. In village people were good to each other but they had to go to Pakistan forcefully. When Jaggu release from jail he got to know that his girlfriend was sent to Pakistan force fully he could not bring her back. 


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